Post by Elemental M on Jul 25, 2009 22:46:45 GMT
"FAQ" stands for Frequently Asked Questions.
If your new, hopefully this will answer some of your questions.
How can I become a Mod/G Mod/Admin?
You must be an active member and help contribute to the site. Just help out! If you do this, I might PM you asking you if you want to be staff. Asking to be a Mod or Admin will result in lower chance of becoming one.
How do I become a respected member?
Use proper spelling. If you are always saying 'lol teh kliiing ist da bets bkoo eva rofl!' no one will respect you.
Try to give your posts some substance. Try and post more than a couple of words.
Be nice.
But have an opinion-Just agreeing with anyone will get you nowhere. Just be yourself.
Don't go post crazy- Post counts don't matter!
ThIs MaKeS tHe TeXt HaRd 2 ReAd AnD dIsTrAcTs FrOm tHe CoNtEnT oF yOuR pOsT
Posting Codes
* Bold Text
* Italic Text
* Underline Text
* Superscript
* Subscript
* Website Link
NOTE: There is no need to do this at all, just type the address without the tags and it'll work fine.
* Image
* E-Mail
NOTE: You can combine tags to make more complex BBcode:
* Image Link
How To Get An Avatar
Find a picture from any website of your choice.
Right-click the picture, then go to properties and you copy the URL. In Xbox Addict, click the button, and then click "Modify Profile". Paste the address of the image into the "Avatar URL" box.
If you want to modify the size, just go to the height and width box and enter the size you would like your avatar to be. However, the size can only be an maximum of 100 x 100. Any larger and it is automatically re-sized.
Then scroll down and click modify account and you are done.
What Do Those Funny Symbols Near Thread Titles Mean?
- This thread is locked, meaning that you can no longer post in it.
- This thread is stickied- it will always appear at the top of the thread list in forum view.
- This thread is locked and stickied. It appears at the top, like a sticky, and you can't post in it, like a locked thread. Usually these are forum information threads (like this one).
- This thread is an announcement. It appears at the top of every board. This normally contains important Xbox - related news.
- This thread is a hot topic (40 or more replies).
- This thread is a very hot topic (100 or more replies).
A Guide to Custom Titles
What is that text under your username?
That m'dears is what we call a Custom Title and you can only get one by being very nice and PMing an admin - either ~Elemental Muse~ or tanshin
You will only get one if you are very nice and PM one of the above politly but remember they don't have to do it.
Remember, you Custom Title (or CT), can contain:
Bold Text, Italic Text, UnderlinedText, Links, and colors
If your new, hopefully this will answer some of your questions.
How can I become a Mod/G Mod/Admin?
You must be an active member and help contribute to the site. Just help out! If you do this, I might PM you asking you if you want to be staff. Asking to be a Mod or Admin will result in lower chance of becoming one.
How do I become a respected member?
Use proper spelling. If you are always saying 'lol teh kliiing ist da bets bkoo eva rofl!' no one will respect you.
Try to give your posts some substance. Try and post more than a couple of words.
Be nice.
But have an opinion-Just agreeing with anyone will get you nowhere. Just be yourself.
Don't go post crazy- Post counts don't matter!
ThIs MaKeS tHe TeXt HaRd 2 ReAd AnD dIsTrAcTs FrOm tHe CoNtEnT oF yOuR pOsT
Posting Codes
* Bold Text
* Italic Text
* Underline Text
* Superscript
* Subscript
* Website Link
[url=]Proboards Website[/url]
NOTE: There is no need to do this at all, just type the address without the tags and it'll work fine.
* Image
[]E-Mail Me[/email]
NOTE: You can combine tags to make more complex BBcode:
* Image Link
* E-Mail Image Link
How To Get An Avatar
Find a picture from any website of your choice.
Right-click the picture, then go to properties and you copy the URL. In Xbox Addict, click the button, and then click "Modify Profile". Paste the address of the image into the "Avatar URL" box.
If you want to modify the size, just go to the height and width box and enter the size you would like your avatar to be. However, the size can only be an maximum of 100 x 100. Any larger and it is automatically re-sized.
Then scroll down and click modify account and you are done.
What Do Those Funny Symbols Near Thread Titles Mean?
- This thread is locked, meaning that you can no longer post in it.
- This thread is stickied- it will always appear at the top of the thread list in forum view.
- This thread is locked and stickied. It appears at the top, like a sticky, and you can't post in it, like a locked thread. Usually these are forum information threads (like this one).
- This thread is an announcement. It appears at the top of every board. This normally contains important Xbox - related news.
- This thread is a hot topic (40 or more replies).
- This thread is a very hot topic (100 or more replies).
A Guide to Custom Titles
What is that text under your username?
That m'dears is what we call a Custom Title and you can only get one by being very nice and PMing an admin - either ~Elemental Muse~ or tanshin
You will only get one if you are very nice and PM one of the above politly but remember they don't have to do it.
Remember, you Custom Title (or CT), can contain:
Bold Text, Italic Text, UnderlinedText, Links, and colors